Get Involved

Join the movement

As we expand into more cities, we need your help to make gender equality in tech a reality across the nation.

Get Involved

We want to see more women in tech and we’d love to have you join our movement.

Whether you’re a:

  • woman or nonbinary college student who may be interested in a career in tech;
  • faculty member trying to support and encourage women and nonbinary students in your classes;
  • an employer who wants to build an inclusive future tech workforce;
  • a funder who’s passionate about the cause

—we want you by our side as we continue toward the goal of gender equality in tech.

Get Involved

Get Involved as an Employer

  • Coach:  Adopt a Guild and provide opportunities for your staff to coach students through technology creation projects during a five-day computing workshop
  • Host: Open your office for Sprinternships™: a unique, micro-internship program offered for college students over an academic recess.
  • Hire: Welcome our students and graduates onto your teams through summer internships and jobs.
  • Volunteer: Become a coach or career adviser; speak at one of our events.
Students in audience smiling

Get Involved as a Student